优先发表 | 两篇关于逆变器电压平衡和容错控制的文章
2024-06-13 07:00
Coordinated capacitor voltage balancing method for cascaded H-bridge inverter with supercapacitor and DC-DC stage
Ye Zhang; Zixin Li; Fanqiang Gao; Cong Zhao; Yaohua Li
Y. Zhang, Z. Li, F. Gao, C. Zhao and Y. Li, "Coordinated capacitor voltage balancing method for cascaded H-bridge inverter with supercapacitor and DC-DC stage," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2024.00019.
Abstract—Cascaded H-bridge inverter (CHBI) with supercapacitors (SCs) and dc-dc stage shows significant promise for medium to high voltage energy storage applications. This paper investigates the voltage balance of capacitors within the CHBI, including both the dc-link capacitors and SCs. Balance control over the dc-link capacitor voltages is realized by the dc- dc stage in each submodule (SM), while a hybrid modulation strategy (HMS) is implemented in the H-bridge to balance the SC voltages among the SMs. Meanwhile, the dc-link voltage fluctuations are analyzed under the HMS. A virtual voltage variable is introduced to coordinate the balancing of dc-link capacitor voltages and SC voltages. Compared to the balancing method that solely considers the SC voltages, the presented method reduces the dc-link voltage fluctuations without affecting the voltage balance of SCs. Finally, both simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the presented method.
Review of fault-tolerant control for motor inverter failure with operational quality considered
Yuxuan Du; Wenxiang Zhao; Yihua Hu; Jinghua Ji; Tao Tao
Y. Du, W. Zhao, Y. Hu, J. Ji and T. Tao, "Review of fault-tolerant control for motor inverter failure with operational quality considered," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2024.00016.
Abstract—In recent years, motor drive systems have garnered increasing attention due to their high efficiency and superior control performance. This is especially apparent in aerospace, marine propulsion, and electric vehicles, where high performance, efficiency, and reliability are crucial. The ability of the drive system to maintain long-term fault-tolerant control (FTC) operation after a failure is essential. The likelihood of inverter failures surpasses that of other components in the drive system, highlighting its critical importance. Long-term FTC operation ensures the system retains its fundamental functions until safe repairs or replacements can be made. The focus of developing a FTC strategy has shifted from basic FTC operations to enhancing the post-fault quality to accommodate the realities of prolonged operation post-failure. This paper primarily investigates FTC strategies for inverter failures in various motor drive systems over the past decade. These strategies are categorized into three types based on post-fault operational quality: rescue, remedy, and reestablishment. The paper discusses each typical control strategy and its research focus, the strengths and weaknesses of various algorithms, and recent advancements in FTC. Finally, this review summarizes effective FTC techniques for inverter failures in motor drive systems and suggests directions for future research.
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