都柏林--智能电源管理公司伊顿(Eaton, NYSE:ETN)宣布任命Omar Zaire为欧洲、中东和非洲(EMEA)地区企业和电气部门总裁。Zaire 将接替 Tim Darkes,后者已宣布即将从伊顿退休,自 2025 年 6 月 1 日起生效。Zaire 将向电气部门首席运营官 Heath Monesmith 汇报工作,并将加入伊顿的高级领导团队。
“Tim 是一位鼓舞人心的领导者,他为我们在 EMEA 地区的转型和增长做出了重大贡献,”Monesmith 说。“我感谢他多年来对团队的承诺,并想对他的退休表示衷心的祝贺。”
Zaire 在电气行业拥有 27 年的经验,其中 16 年在伊顿工作。他目前是美洲电气部门电力可靠性部的高级副总裁兼总经理。自加入伊顿以来,他在世界各地担任过许多领导职务,责任越来越大,包括担任伊顿圣保罗 Jundiai 工厂的总经理,以及美洲电气部门拉丁美洲地区的副总裁兼总经理。在加入 Eaton 之前,Zaire 曾在 Rockwell Automation、Weidmann Electrical 和 ABB 担任销售和领导职务。
他拥有巴西圣保罗 Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia 的电气工程学士学位,以及美国弗吉尼亚州里士满大学的 EMBA 学位。
Eaton 是一家智能电源管理公司,致力于保护环境和提高世界各地人们的生活质量。我们为数据中心、公用事业、工业、商业、机械制造、住宅、航空航天和移动市场生产产品。我们以正确经营、可持续运营和帮助我们的客户管理当今和未来的电力承诺为指导。通过利用电气化和数字化的全球增长趋势,我们正在加速地球向可再生能源的过渡,帮助解决世界上最紧迫的电力管理挑战,并为当今和子孙后代建立一个更加可持续的社会。
伊顿成立于 1911 年,已在纽约证券交易所上市一个多世纪。我们报告称,2023 年的收入为 232 亿美元,为 160 多个国家/地区的客户提供服务。
Intelligent power management company Eaton (NYSE:ETN) announced the appointment of Omar Zaire to president, Corporate and Electrical Sector, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. Zaire succeeds Tim Darkes, who has announced his upcoming retirement from Eaton, effective June 1, 2025. Zaire will report to Heath Monesmith, Chief Operating Officer, Electrical Sector, and will join Eaton’s senior leadership team.
“Tim is an inspirational leader who has contributed significantly to our transformation and growth within the EMEA region,” said Monesmith. "I am grateful for his years of commitment to the team and want to extend my sincere congratulations on his retirement.”
Zaire has 27 years of experience in the electrical industry, with 16 of those years at Eaton. He is currently the senior vice president and general manager, Power Reliability Division, Electrical Sector, Americas. Since joining Eaton, he has held numerous leadership roles of increasing responsibility across the world, including the role of general manager of Eaton’s Jundiai, Sao Paulo, site and as the vice president and general manager of the Latin America region of Electrical Sector Americas. Prior to Eaton, Zaire held sales and leadership roles at Rockwell Automation, Weidmann Electrical and ABB.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia in São Paulo, Brazil, and an executive MBA from the University of Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Eaton is an intelligent power management company dedicated to protecting the environment and improving the quality of life for people everywhere. We make products for the data center, utility, industrial, commercial, machine building, residential, aerospace and mobility markets. We are guided by our commitment to do business right, to operate sustainably and to help our customers manage power ─ today and well into the future. By capitalizing on the global growth trends of electrification and digitalization, we’re accelerating the planet’s transition to renewable energy sources, helping to solve the world’s most urgent power management challenges, and building a more sustainable society for people today and generations to come.
Eaton was founded in 1911 and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange for more than a century. We reported revenues of $23.2 billion in 2023 and serve customers in more than 160 countries.
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