傅饶(Rao Fu)于美国的首次个展"德累斯顿(Dresden)"正在纽约弗格斯·麦卡弗雷画廊(Fergus McCaffrey Gallery)展出,展览时间为2022年9月8日至10月22日。 傅饶是一位目前居住和生活在的德累斯顿的当代艺术家,在绘画中,傅饶在中国水墨和西方油画两种截然不同的传统间取得了重要的美学进步。《傅饶:德累斯顿》(Rao Fu:Dresden)是艺术家在美国的首次个展,展示了他近 20 年来的创作和突破性作品,包含了早期精致的纸上作品,到最近的巨幅三联画作。 Rao Fu’s first solo exhibition Dresden is now on view at Fergus McCaffrey Gallery in New York City. The exhibition will be opening from September 8 to October 22, 2022. Rao Fu is a Dresden-based painter whose work reconsiders Chinese and Western painting traditions. The
exhibition Rao Fu: Dresden will mark the artist’s first solo show in the United States presenting almost
twenty years of his technically rigorous and conceptually complex works. 傅饶德累斯顿Fergus McCaffrey Gallery 展览现场2022/09/08-2022/10/22 Dresden@Fergus McCaffrey Gallery514 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001 a "Dresden"展览现场 | Exhibition View “德累斯顿是一座传统意义上的画家之城。傅饶在德累斯顿是唯一一位中国艺术家,然而他在萨克森新表现主义中植入的内容就像是一种新鲜的细胞治疗方法。他从中国山水画中吸收了养分,并将 Edvard Munch(爱德华·蒙克)、 Peter Doig(彼得·多伊格)和 Daniel Richter (丹尼尔·里希特)对他在绘画之路上的影响,以及他对欧洲绘画材料的长期实验,还有他对生命本身的思考,都汇集于他独特纯粹的色彩体验中,自 2019 年以来他探索出了令人惊艳的傅饶式的独特技法形式。傅饶长期遵循着中国传统绘画的平远透视法及西方传统绘画的跳跃的颜色来创造画面。传统书法对色彩能量的控制力,让他把握人物画面越来越占据有利的空间,他揭示了一种风格,一种形式的意志,旨在将它们用于广泛的当代绘画中去,并试图让绘画作品与人建立联系。傅饶向我们展示了想象的世界并不遥远,而是完全存在于这个时空和当下。它不再是关于其它国度的和纯粹自我的,因为不再有一种纯粹,是可以在封闭的文化里存在。傅饶的图像更多地在讨论文化之间的混合,在试图拉近这个距离——他在多变的、在跨越色彩海洋的长途航行中,像骑士一样勇敢前行。” ——Christoph Tannert Berlin Bethanien 美术馆馆长 傅饶于1978年出生在北京,七岁时随家人搬到了青岛,博学的祖父在他的童年时光中,陪伴他练习书法,并在平淡的生活中培养了傅饶对艺术的兴趣。随后,他就读于清华大学美术学院,学习平面设计,在 2001年,傅饶选择暂时休学并启程前往德累斯顿学习油画,开始了在德累斯顿美术学院长达十年的漫长学习时光,这所学校的知名校友包括乔治·格罗兹、埃尔弗里德·洛斯·维西特劳、格哈德·里希特。 Born in Beijing in 1978, Fu’s family
quickly moved to Tsingtao in
Shandong Province where his
grandfather initially nurtured his
creative instincts in the otherwise
barren post-Cultural Revolution
environment. Fu would first study
graphic design at Tsinghua
University before ultimately
moving to Germany in 2001 to
enroll in the renowned Dresden
Academy of Fine Arts whose Alumni include George Grosz, Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler and Gerhard Richter. 傅饶 Rao FuDJ男孩 DJ Boy, 202248 × 36 cm布面油画 Oil on canvas 求学期间,傅饶在该市的Gemäldegalerie找到了一份艺术管理人员的工作,并开始第一手接触和体验该博物馆中非凡的巴洛克杰作收藏。这段耳濡目染地体验巴洛克和德国浪漫主义绘画的技术和材料的经历,对傅饶的重要性无需赘述。他在潜移默化中将自己与这样的环境合二为一,并开始了他的美学理论演变,直到 2014年他的第一本画册《傅饶: 随风》由大众汽车与沃尔夫斯堡美协联合出版后,傅饶式的技法慢慢进入了大众的视野。 回想起来,傅饶搬到德累斯顿似乎是命中注定的。从1898年到1914年,青岛与德国有一段特殊的历史,城市的大部分布局和建筑至今遗留着德式审美的特色。此外,在德意志民主共和国存在期间,德累斯顿与新中国保持着频繁的文化交流项目; 分享和推广当时的社会主义共同视觉语言。傅饶在这样的背景下长大和学习,从东到西,从中国到欧洲的学习与探索的过程,他在观察也在感受,那些对他内心产生冲击的灵感; 这与出生于东德的艺术家格哈德·里希特、格奥尔格·巴塞利茨和西格 玛·波尔克有着微妙的平行。 Further, Fu secured a job as an art handler at the city’s Gemäldegalerie to gain first hand access to the museum’s extraordinary collection of Baroque and Romantic period masterpieces. The importance of this hands-on engagement with the techniques and materials of the masters cannot be overstated, particularly given the widespread criticism of Chinese contemporary artists’ cursory engagement with history of art and light-hearted adoption of visual traditions. In hindsight it almost appears as if Fu’s move to Dresden was
preordained. From 1898 to 1914, Tsingtao was a part of the German
Concession in China and much of the layout and architecture of the city
has a strong German character. Furthermore, during the existence of the
German Democratic Republic, Dresden had a cultural exchange program
with the Peoples Republic of China, sharing and promoting the common
visual vocabulary of Socialist Realism. Fu’s move from East to West, his
shift from a Communist to a Capitalist system has an affinity with artists
such as Gerhard Richter, Georg Baselitz, and Sigmar Polke, who like
mindedly moved West in the early 1960s in search of creative freedom. 傅饶 Rao Fu 深渊 II Abyss II, 2021-2022220 x 420 cm布面油画 Oil on canvas 傅饶 Rao Fu无风 Windless,2021-2022220 x 420 cm布面油画 Oil on canvas 傅饶 Rao Fu必然 II Inevitable II, 2019175 × 240 cm布面油画 Oil on can 傅饶 Rao Fu链 Am Strand, 201344 x 50 cm纸上综合媒介(沥青,油画)Mix media (bitumen, oil) on paper 在纸本上和帆布上,傅饶将中国山水画的大气微妙、乳白色的氤氲,与传统的巴洛克和浪漫主义里由黑暗渐入光明的戏剧性相结合。在大量的作品中上演着各种层次复杂的色调和宏大的场景,并激发了观者对画面的构图和创意产生无限的遐想,使他的作品充满活力。展出的两幅大尺寸的三联油画,在他创造的无处不在的细节和多重视角中,运用了巴洛克风格的宏伟和规模,也表现了中国山水和浪漫主义传统更加直抒胸臆的本质。 在所展示的近二十年的作品中,傅饶的作品很清晰地从最初平淡的主题转向了宏伟的寓言,那些画面始终都令人震撼和信服,因为其情感植根于恒久的人类经历和真诚的个人感受,从而超越了时代、地域、和文化,将我们紧紧联系在一起。 On paper and on canvas, Fu’s alignment of the atmospheric subtlety, milky-transparency, and spirit of
Chinese landscape painting with the propagandistic theatricality and drama of the darkness-into-light of
the Baroque and Romantic traditions is played-out in a vast array of variously diluted pigment and
washes of color that electrify his compositions. The monumental triptych paintings, employ the
grandeur and scale of the Baroque alongside the more personal and intimate nature of the Chinese and
Romantic traditions in the pervasive details and multiple perspectives he creates. Chinese classical
mythology and Baroque style both relate fantastic flying beings on the one hand and angels & putti on
the other. A palpable shift from more prosaic subject matter toward the
allegorical is evident in Fu’s work, yet it is consistently compelling,
being emotive grounded in enduring human experiences and
aspirations; the origins and continuing relevance of which unite us
across generations and cultures. 傅饶 Rao Fu 跑 跑 跑 run run run, 200444 x 25 cm纸上综合媒介(沥青,油画,酱油) Mix media (bitumen, oil, soy sauce) on paper 关于艺术家 | About the Artist傅饶 Rao Fu 1978年傅饶出生于北京,父亲退休前曾就职于中国科学院航空研究所,母亲毕业于山东大学化学系,按常理他应该会在这样的家庭氛围中子承父业,可偏巧少年时的他却爱上艺术,跑去学习绘画。2001年从清华美院(原中央工艺美术学院)休学到德累斯顿造型艺术学院学习,他以朴素平实,心无旁骛的缓慢松弛的特有节奏,一直在探索着真实的内在自我。 2008年傅饶从德累斯顿造型艺术毕业,当时的他对哲学产生了浓厚兴趣,于是接着又修完了艺术心理学的课程,成为艺术毕业生中少数获得造型艺术和艺术心理学双硕士学位的学生。2011年他的绘画作品“海市蜃楼”被德累斯顿城市美术馆SKD永久收藏,和德国最重要的表现主义画家们的作品一起在Albertinum展出,他作为中国艺术家与其同龄的德国年轻一辈新表现主义的后续艺术家们,开始被德国艺术界所关注。自2012年起他的作品开始受到关注,先后被德国萨克森洲艺术基金会(KdFS)、德累斯顿城市美术馆 (SKD),卢森堡国家历史与艺术博物馆(MNHA)以及亚洲,欧洲,美洲等多个国家的艺术机构及收藏家收藏。2017年傅饶获得德国莱比锡棉纺厂14大厅艺术家驻留奖学金。2020年作品《传奇-Legend》获得了德国萨克森州文化基金会Kulturstiftung des
Freistaates Sachsen的创作奖。 个展 2022 傅饶:德累斯顿,Fergus Gccaffrey Gallery 纽约,美国 2021 燃烧,Galerie Vazieux Paris 巴黎,法国2021 无际,Galerie Vazieux Paris 巴黎,法国2019 夜钓,Gallery EIGENHEIM Berlin 柏林,德国2019 光年,关渡美术馆 (KdMoFA),台北2018 PaysagesIntérieurs,ARTSCAPE Contemporary 卢森堡当代艺术中心,卢森堡2018 世纪,站台空间,北京,中国2017 鸡冠花,Galerie Irrgang 柏林,德国2017 随风,Galerie Heissingsart 吕贝克,德国2016 架接之国,Projektraum-City Art Gallery,国立城市美术馆,德累斯顿,德国2016 开放的工作室,HALLE 14,Baumwollspinnerei 莱比锡 , 德国2015 浮游生物 , Gellery Irrgang 莱比锡,德国2014 随风,德国沃尔夫斯堡大众汽车总部艺术空间2013 海市蜃楼,Gallery Grafikladen 德累斯顿,德国2012 架接之国,德国哥廷根美术馆,哥廷根,德国2011 Rao Fu Arbeiten, 傅饶作品,Kenst bei Gericht, Ständehaus 德累斯顿最高法院艺术空间,德国2010 Rao Fu Arbeiten, 傅饶作品,LING 画廊,柏林,德国2009 七年/Sieben Jahren, Gallery Elly Brose Eiermann 画廊 德累斯顿,德国 获奖经历2020 获得 Kulturstiftung des Freistaates. Sachsen 萨克森州文化重建基金会的 "Denkzeit" 创作奖金 2016 获得 Heimspiel-Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei 萨克森文化基金会奖学金2016 Spielerei 莱比锡艺术工作室奖学金2014 获得 Project funding, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates. Sachsen 萨克森州文化重建基金会年度项目艺术基金2008-2012 获得 Heinrich-Böll-Fondation 文化艺术奖学金2006 获得 DAAD-price 艺术奖学金 公共收藏德国德累斯顿国家艺术收藏基金会收藏 德累斯顿城市艺术博物馆收藏卢森堡国家历史与艺术博物馆收藏 Born in 1978, Rao Fu is a Chinese artist
living and working in Dresden, Germany. From 1999 to 2001, Rao pursued his
undergraduate in design at Tsinghua University in Beijing; and from 2002 to
2010, he was enrolled at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, to further his
studies in painting, graphic arts, and art therapy. During his studies with
Siegfried Klotz and Elke Hopfe, he tackled, among other things, the traditional
painting methods of the Dresden School. In 2008, he became a ‘Meisterstudiu’
student and continued an advanced program with Professor Ralf Kerbach. During
his graduate studies, Rao received the DAAD Scholarship for Fine Arts in 2006
and a grant from the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation from 2008 to 2012. In the
following years, he was awarded a scholarship from the Cultural Donation of the
Free State of Saxony in 2014 and additionally the ‘Heimspiel-Stipendium’
sponsored by the Cotton Mill Leipzig, from the Cultural Donation of the Free
State of Saxony in 2016. He won the scholarship of the 14th hall artist of
Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei in 2017. In 2020, he was honored with the
grant ‘Denkzeit’ sponsored by the Cultural Donation of the Free State of
Saxony. His works are collected by the National Museum of History and Art of
Luxembourg (MNHA), the Saxon Art Foundation in Germany, and the Dresden
National GalleryRao Fu’s works synthesize various cultures and philosophies of
East and West, expanding Saxon Neo-expressionism with Asian aesthetics. He
developed his formal language from the legacy of traditional Chinese landscape
painting and calligraphy, learned from his grandfather, as well as German traditions
like Die Brück and Neo-Expressionism, mastered from his time at the Dresden
Academy of Fine Art. His paintings thus employ a range of techniques, combining
calligraphic brushwork and Neo-expressive gestural forms, and using
unconventional and culturally rich materials such as bitumen and soy sauce to
create otherworldly scenes. Their dream-like atmosphere is intensified by a
visceral play of bold contrasting colors such as bright orange and dark blue,
indebted to art therapy theories and the palette of German expressionism.
Perspective is unfixed and multiplied, leaving room for a range of
interpretations and approaches to his works. Recently, Rao has devoted more
time to large format paintings with several figure groups and even more intense
color palettes. His art engages with European and Asian art history while
remaining open to contemporary global discourse, urging reflections and debates
over cultural hybridity and the modern human condition. Solo exhibitions2022 "Rao Fu: Dresden" Fergus Gccaffrey gallery New York, USA 2021 COMBUSTION, Galerie Vazieux Paris Paris, France2021 Immensity, Galerie Vazieux Paris Paris, France2019 Night Fishing, Gallery EIGENHEIM Berlin Berlin, Germany2019 Infinitrace Light Years, Guandu Art Museum (KdMoFA), Taipei2018 PaysagesIntérieurs, ARTSCAPE Contemporary Luxembourg Contemporary Art Center, Luxembourg2018 CENTURY, Beijing Platform Space, Beijing, China2017 COXCOMB, Celosia , Galerie Irrgang, Berlin, Germany2017 Follow Wind, Galerie Heissingsart, Lübeck, Germany2016 CHIMERICA, Country of Bridge, Projektraum-City Art Gallery, Staatskapelle, Dresden, Germany2016 OPEN STUDIO, HALLE 14, Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig, Germany2015 PLANKTON, Gellery Irrgang, Leipzig, Germany2014 Follow Wind, Art Space, Volkswagen Headquarters, Wolfsburg, Germany2013 MIRAGE, Gallery Grafikladen Dresden, Germany2012 CHIMERICA, Country of Bridge, Kunsthalle Göttingen, Germany, Göttingen, Germany2011 Rao Fu Arbeiten, Kenst bei Gericht, Ständehaus, Art Space of the Supreme Court of Dresden, Germany2010 Rao Fu Arbeiten, LING Gallery, Berlin, Germany2009 Seven Years/Sieben Jahren, Gallery Elly Brose Eiermann, Dresden, Germany Awards2020 Winner of the "Denkzeit" Creation Prize from the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates. Sachsen Foundation for Cultural Reconstruction of Saxony 2016 Heimspiel-Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei Saxony Cultural Foundation Scholarship2016 Spielerei Leipzig Art Studio Scholarship 2014 Project funding, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates. Sachsen Annual Project Art Fund of the Saxony Foundation for Cultural Reconstruction 2008-2012 Heinrich-Böll-Fondation Scholarship for Culture and Arts 2006 DAAD-price art scholarship Public CollectionCollection of the National Art Collection Foundation Dresden, Germany Collection of the Dresden City Art Museum Collection of the National Museum of History and Art of Luxembourg 推荐阅读 View More