Snøhetta纽约Far Rockaway图书馆和麦迪逊大道550号花园荣获MASterworks设计大奖

文摘   2024-10-17 11:01   中国香港  

麦迪逊大道550号花园,摄影:Barrett Doherty

550 Madison Avenue Garden, photo by Barrett Doherty

MASterworks设计大奖由纽约市艺术协会于2001年设立,旨在表彰优秀的城市及建筑设计。由Snøhetta设计的纽约Far Rockaway图书馆麦迪逊大道550号花园分别荣获“年度建筑奖”“最佳改造修复奖”

Established in 2001 by The Municipal Art Society of New York (MAS), the MASterworks Awards pay tribute to projects that exemplify excellence in architecture and urban design. Far Rockaway Library was awarded "Building of the Year", and 550 Madison Avenue Garden was given "Best Restoration".

Far Rockaway图书馆,纽约,2012–2024年 

Far Rockaway Library, New York City, 2012–2024

摄影:Jeff Goldberg

Photo by Jeff Goldberg


550 Madison Avenue Garden, New York City, 2018–2023

摄影:Barrett Doherty

Photo by Barrett Doherty

纽约市艺术协会与Snøhetta将共同举办参观导览活动。11月1日,Snøhetta创始合伙人Craig Dykers、艺术家José Parlá以及纽约市艺术协会主席Elizabeth Goldstein将进行线上对谈,就Far Rockaway图书馆项目展开讨论。请点击阅读原文,获取更多信息。

To celebrate the awarded projects, MAS and Snøhetta will be hosting walking tours of the spaces. Additionally, on November 1st, Craig Dykers and José Parlá, the artist who collaborated on the Far Rockaway facade design, will be participating in a virtual discussion with MAS President, Elizabeth Goldstein, to discuss the library project. Please click "Read More" for more information.

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